"Guillemot Cove House" 11x14" Original Ink Drawing
"Guillemot Cove House" 11x14" Original Ink Drawing
I finished inking this piece at the end of 2023, after sketching it in pencil a couple years back. It is based on some reference photos I took at Guillemot Cove near my old home in rural western Washington state. While living there I fell in love with the dense wilderness and dripping moss that the heavy rain would create. While hiking in Guillemot I came across this old dilapidated house that was slowly rotting away because of the constant rain. It’s an eerie but peaceful feeling you get when you're outdoors at night there.
Title: "Guillemot Cove House"
Medium: Ink on Stonehenge Cotton paper
Artwork Dimensions: 11x14" (unframed)